What do the 1970s, male fitness, and jujitsu have in common? Well… Without stretching too far to find an answer we can at least tell you that they’re all themes of this photoshoot with Bret van den Akker! Bret contacted us in order to knockout some Iconic Photos of his physique. His goal was to submit photos of his outstanding results to the #250kChallenge which he explained below:
“Well folks I’ve finished my transformation challenge and submitted my photos. I’ll share this one and if you’d like to see the rest you can visit my bodyspace page. Looking forward to getting back to a normal diet, powerlifting, and BJJ.”
To recap:
In 12 weeks I lost 45lb and reduced my bodyfat from 20% to 8%.
Anything is possible with diligent effort and persistent hard work.
As far as the photos straight out of 1970s, those were just for fun. I mean… We can’t just let this secret time machine that we have stored away in the basement go to waste! Enjoy 20 Iconic Images of the 1970s, Fitness, and Brazilian Jujitsu with Bret van den Akker below.