Artist Bio
Our names are Philip & Alexandra Lenz. We didn't change our last name to Lenz. We were destined. We do take the best photos in the world. We can say that if we want. This is our bio. We're jokesters. Obviously.
We have done some crazy things in our lives. We have won some pretty cool awards. But, who cares? We have fun. That's what matters. We want to take your photograph. We are very random. We love our dogs.Are you still reading? We think that's neat.
We are our biggest critics. We are older in our minds. Does that make any sense? Contrast. We love mixed martial arts. We hate the word photographer. Dubious. We want people to view us as "something else". What exactly? We have no clue. Maybe something with the word wizard incorporated. Casual. Just call us what you want. As long as you call us.
This was our attempt at writing a bio that reflected our true personalities. We think most bios sound stale. We wouldn't read a stale bio. We tried to entertain you. Enjoy the portraits!